Consulting with a Lawyer When Buying a Home
Why It’s Essential to Consult a Lawyer When Buying a Home
Buying a new home is an incredibly exciting time, but it’s also more than likely the biggest single financial investment you will ever make. Such a large financial investment comes with its own array of legal details. And, since when we’re dealing with the process of transferring property ownership from one person to another, things become very complex, very quickly!
The complex process of property ownership transferral needs the expertise of a particular property lawyer or solicitor, called a ‘conveyancer’. A conveyancer is an especially skilled legal professional and their job is to act as your legal translator and adviser throughout the property purchasing process. At Quay Law we have a team of fully qualified and thoroughly experienced conveyancing solicitors who will take the stress out of your property purchase.
Is Talking to a Conveyancer Really a Must?
Many people wrongly assume that buying a home simply consists of finding that ideal property and letting a real estate agent do the rest! However, real estate agents are only concerned with selling the property. It isn’t their task or even their responsibility to ensure the transferral process is legally sound. That process is left up to the purchaser of the property.
The transferral process includes dealing with the bank of the property buyer, the estate agent and the relevant council authorities. So instead of trying to navigate the agreement or trying to find the record of title, the LIM report, and the council files on your own, get in touch with a conveyancing lawyer. They will work directly for you and protect your interests throughout the transaction process.
But This Seems Too Easy…
Thankfully, that’s the point! A conveyancing solicitor is there to guide you through the legal ins and outs of property transferral law. Your lawyer can help you through every stage of the property-purchasing process, from before you sign the sale and purchase agreement, all the way through to the day you settle.
Hopefully it’s now clear why it’s absolutely essential to consult with a conveyancing solicitor early in the piece when you’re thinking about purchasing a new home. So, get in contact with the experts at Quay Law today. Our team of conveyancing solicitors are eager to take the stress out of your property purchase and let you focus on enjoying the exciting aspects of the new home purchasing process.