Immigration Consultants and Lawyers for Immigration in 2018

Whether you are already residing in New Zealand or are planning a move to New Zealand, you should be aware of the benefits and risks surrounding your application or current permits. Consider working with immigration consultants and lawyers?

Losing your New Zealand job may result in you not being eligible to work in another organisation. This can have dire consequences, the worst being that you could have to face leaving New Zealand.

A work permit does not carry with it a guarantee for renewal or a guarantee that permanent residency will be granted. It’s unfortunate, but some migrants do not completely understand this when making the move to New Zealand.

Unemployment In New Zealand Is At 4.4% – The Lowest In Nearly A Decade.

A Westpac Senior Economist, Michael Gordon, has found that “Firms are finding it increasingly difficult to find new workers, as the pool of available workers has narrowed over time.” Companies are increasingly looking overseas to fill the shortages – making this a great time to immigrate.

New Zealand welcomes new migrants – people who will contribute to the country by bringing valuable skills or qualifications, setting up a business, or making a financial investment.

So what options are available to you? Immigrants in New Zealand fall broadly into three categories:

Those that hold Citizenship
Those that reside in New Zealand and hold permanent residency
Those that reside in New Zealand and hold valid work permits

If You Currently Reside In New Zealand And Hold A Valid Work Permit That Is About To Expire, Review Your Options

Are you eligible for permanent residency? If so then this should become your priority. Holding a permanent residency permit places you in a stronger position, should you be required to find alternative employment. What would you do if downsizing or the organization sponsoring your work permit application closed?

For this reason, it is important to have a contingency plan; and apply for the renewal of your work permit in a timely fashion.

The Quay Law Team of New Zealand Immigration Consultants and an Expert Immigration Advisor Are Ready To Assist

Employers who are unable to find suitable workers in New Zealand and have roles that do not meet the Skilled Migrant or Talent work permit criteria may be able to assist a potential employee in obtaining an Essential Skills work visa or permit. An employer would have to demonstrate that:

There were no suitable employees in New Zealand.
They made genuine attempts to attract and recruit New Zealand workers for the positions at the current market salary.
They provided evidence of advertisements placed, responses received, industry statistics on vacancies, and training in place to address shortages.

Work and Income would also be contacted. All of the above takes time, so you need to allow sufficient time when renewing your work permit.

At Quay Law, our immigration consultants and lawyers are often asked to clarify the difference between a visa and a permit? A visa allows a person to travel to the NZ border and a permit allows them to remain in the country. Unless a person has a multiple-entry visa or another single-entry visa, a permit expires when a person leaves the country.

Consult a Professional Immigration Consultant for the Best Chance of Success

We recommend that you do your homework and consult a professional immigration consultant or advisor to ensure that all your requirements pertaining to New Zealand Immigration are adequately addressed. Sometimes this can be as simple as ensuring that your application is completed using the correct application form, a mistake that can cause an unnecessary time delay. Mistakes or shortcuts in this NZ immigration process can have financial and emotional consequences.

To talk to an immigration consultant or lawyer about your immigration plans please contact a lawyer at Quay Law.

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