Commercial Property Solicitors for Entering a Commercial Lease or Leasing Business Premises

Your Commercial Property Solicitors for Commercial Leasing, Lease Negotiations, and Tenant Agreements

When it comes to commercial leasing, our commercial property solicitors can help on any aspect of the process whether you are a commercial landlord looking with current tenants or plans to offer a lease or a tenant currently under lease or in the market for a new lease.

Bring our expertise onto your team and help maximise your return, improve your negotiation, and manage the best deal for your situation while managing risk and liability.

Leasing Business Premises

Our Services for Commercial Landlords

Leasing of commercial properties can be a major risk for commercial landlords especially if the legal foundation of your agreements is less than solid or if your commercial property portfolio is managed inefficiently.

With our support and advice your commercial leasing situation can be bolstered with well maintained and up to date information, confidence in your systems, and well structured contracts.

Your documentation and contracts are amongst your most important strengths and can set you up for maximized returns, a concrete relationship with your tenants, and protect your investments.

When our team at Quay Law come on to a commercial landlord’s team we tailor all documentation to the unique situation of you, your building, and your tenants with the right combination of clauses and amendments to put you in the best position possible.

Our Services for Commercial Tenants

Commercial leasing agreements might be incredibly common but many tenants have found themselves confused and at a disadvantage in their leasing situation because of it. These leasing agreements can represent a significant expense in your business as well as represent large personal liability depending on the lease and personal guarantee signing.

We endeavour to ensure that every tenant we work with is put in an optimal position to enter their commercial leasing agreement with confidence. Working with you to negotiate clauses and amendments to your lease agreements in your favour can save you significant money, moderate your personal liability, and put you in the most advantageous position before signing a Deed of Lease or Agreement to Lease.

Services we Offer as Your Commercial Property Solicitors

Agreements to lease – drafting, negotiation, and review
Advising you as a client regarding your obligations as a landlord or tenant
Advice on the guarantees you are being asked to sign
Navigation of lease amendments
Deeds of lease drafting, negotiation, and review
Negotiating on your behalf to amend your commercial lease as a tenant
Negotiating on your behalf to amend your commercial lease as a landlord
Reviewing your commercial rent schedules
Cancelling or leaving a commercial lease
Mediation and advice on landlord-tenant lease disputes
Discussion and review during lease renewals regarding negotiations, procedure and documentation

Call us or contact us online. to discuss how we can help.